The Skills4EOSC Project is concluding its work of three years with a Final Conference, Building Capacity for Open Science, on the 11th June 2025. This will take place at the Condorcet Campus in Paris, organised by the the French Ministry of Research with other national partners.

Cours des Humanités – Campus Condorcet
Guillermo Ramos Flamerich, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
The objectives of Skills4EOSC have been to support, promote and train researchers, policy makers and civil servants along with other stakeholders in the practise of Open Science, establishing data-intensive skills through higher education, professional networks and competence centres.
The one-day event will feature discussions on key topics, including the strategic vision for Open Science skills and the role of Competence Centres in supporting research and training. Sessions are also dedicated to exploring the impact of data stewardship and collaborative networks in driving Open Science forward and innovative approaches to upskilling professionals, decision-makers, and academia.
The agenda features a Keynote speech by Pierluigi Sacco, Professor of Biobehavioral Economics, the University of Chieti-Pescara and several short presentations with two panel discussions.
Registration is required, the form is to be found below the Agenda on the Conference page.