Heritage buildings and objects’ digitisation & visualisation within the cloud



HERITALISE aims to revolutionize how we document and understand cultural heritage (CH) by advancing digitalization and AI-powered tools.
Our mission is to create cutting-edge digitization techniques that capture both visible and hidden features of CH assets. Using machine learning for optimized data processing, HERITALISE will transform raw data into valuable insights, connecting everything in a knowledge graph for easy exploration.

Much like Wikipedia, users can follow links to discover detailed research, findings, and relationships related to each CH object.
Our ecosystem will integrate with the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH), providing a scalable, web-based platform for European CH institutions to share, access, and build on enriched digital resources for preservation and research.

Objectives/ Mission

Review & Protocols: Assess and define current digitization standards, methodologies and data requirements for tangible and intangible CH objects. Address gaps, set objectives and assess risks.
Advanced Data Acquisition: Enhance 2D/3D technologies (e.g., LiDAR, photogrammetry) with improved calibration, metrology and multimodal capabilities for scalable, high-quality digitization.
AI-Powered Post-Processing: Develop AI-driven worksflows, data fusion and algorithms to streamline post-processing, integrating tangible and non-tangible data for conservation insights.

Expected Results

HW/SW Solutions: Create tools (e.g., 3D printing, VR/AR platforms, Geo-HBIM) to enhance CH engagement, accessibility and real-time monitoring of digitized assets.​
Interoperability & Sharing: Develop open components for seamless data integration across CH databases (e.g., Europeana), leveraging APIs, semantic standards and metadata.
Impact & Dissemination: Adress tech transfer challenges, standardize web platforms and showcase digitization applications via 4 proof-of-concept use cases.


News & Events

  • ECHOES Workshop at CAA 2025 Text banner

Join the ECHOES Workshop at CAA 2025

24 March 2025|Comments Off on Join the ECHOES Workshop at CAA 2025

Join us for the ECHOES Workshop with AUTOMATA, TEXTaiLES, and HERITALISE at CAA 2025 in Athens, Greece: “Opportunities and Tools from the Cultural Heritage Cloud (ECCCH-ECHOES) for Digital Archaeology” Conference: CAA 2025 International [...]

  • Heritalise Kick-off meeting in Barcelona

HERITALISE Project Starts

27 January 2025|Comments Off on HERITALISE Project Starts

The HERITALISE Project held its first internal meeting on the 8th January and the Kick-off took place on the 24th in Barcelona. HERITALISE is concerned with digitisation, developing tools and using AI to [...]


HERITALISE will provide the upcoming ECCCH with a interoperable web-based Ecosystem, advanced input data from improved digitalisation methodologies and preservation supporting tools, which will be achieved by meeting the following General Objectives (GO) and setting the conditions for a wide-scale replicability and scalability across European CH institutions/organisations across European CH institutions/organisations.

For further information, visit the HERITALISE website.

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