Coordinate, Collaborate, Innovate

The General Assembly (GA) is the ultimate decision-making authority. It handles key areas such as finances and intellectual property rights, manages the evolution of the Consortium (including partners joining or leaving), addresses issues related to defaulting parties and litigation, and appoints members to the Scientific Committee and Technical Assessment Council. Essentially, it has the final say on all major decisions.
The Executive Board (EB) is the operational arm of the project. It supports and facilitates the Coordinator’s work in implementing the General Assembly’s decisions. The Executive Board also helps prepare meetings for the Steering Committee and other Consortium bodies. Ultimately, it reports to the Coordinator.
The Project Coordinator, Xavier RODIER (CNRS), serves as the liaison between the Parties and the European Commission. They chair all meetings of the General Assembly and the Steering Committee, oversee the overall technical implementation and management, and provide official documents to the Parties upon request. The Coordinator also collects information for termination reports if a Party’s participation ends. They report to the Steering Committee, the General Assembly, and the European Commission.
The Steering Committee (SC) oversees the Project’s execution. They organize meetings, suggest decisions, and set the agenda for the General Assembly. Their role involves building consensus among the Parties, evaluating deliverables and key achievements to ensure they align with the work plan, and preparing periodic reports for the work packages alongside the Coordinator. They ultimately report to the General Assembly.
The General Assembly (GA) is the top decision-making body.
The Scientific Committee (ScC) evaluates the structure and evolving components, tools, and services of the Cloud. It elects a Chair during its first meeting and sets its own procedures, including adding new members. The committee offers expert advice on activities within ECHOES and other ECCCH-funded projects, and shares its meeting minutes with the General Assembly.
The Policy Advisory Board (PAB) ensures consistency in policy across all ECCCH-related activities. It elects a Chair during its first meeting and manages its own procedures, including the addition of new members. With operational support from the Executive Board, the committee offers recommendations on strategic decisions related to the governance and sustainability of the Cloud within its ecosystem.
The Technical Assessment Committee (TAC) evaluates the Cloud’s structure and its evolving components, tools, and services. Once established, it will be linked to the legal entity. The committee elects a Chair during its first meeting and manages its own procedures, including adding new members. It offers expert advice on technical activities within ECHOES and sends its meeting minutes to the General Assembly.
The Stakeholders Council (StaC) brings together representatives from other ECCCH-funded projects and European initiatives related to Cultural Heritage. It elects a Chair during its first meeting and manages its own procedures, including adding new members. The council sends its meeting minutes to the General Assembly and provides advisory support to the General Assembly.