One of the first European Content Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) projects working with ECHOES, AUTOMATA, is holding its kick-off meeting in Pisa on the 22nd October from 14:00-19:00.  All the partners will meet together in order to go over the work plan, and in particular the tasks that the researchers from each organisation have to do in the first year. For example, tasks usually include setting up a website and social media channels, planning and starting the technical work and collection and organisation of relevant information needed to decide, for example,  the best technologies to use. This meeting is open to anyone who wishes to attend, please register here:

Automata kick off poster

At present, creating 3D models is a time-consuming and complicated process. To capture all the data for a small object requires several several minutes of scanning and moving the object so the entire surface is covered. This generates very large data files which then have to be processed to combine all the data to create the shape and then add the texture and colour. However, the process is fairly repeatable and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be used in combination with robotics to automate the process as much as possible and reduce the need for human intervention.

AUTOMATA will develop tools and workflows that will make the scanning of archaeological objects such as stone tools (lithics) and pieces of pottery (ceramics) for creating 3D models more efficient and cost-effective.
This will make it cheaper and easier for museums and other owners of artefacts to digitise their collections and to upload the 3D models, all the related data and information such as images and text descriptions into the ECCCH where they can be accessed by everyone.

ECHOES will work closely with AUTOMATA to ensure that all the data, tools and workflows are made available in a consistent way that follows international standards such as linked open data and a metadata schema so that everything can be found and used easily, whether for research purposes, archiving or just browsing of the 3D models.

Here’s the complete Agenda of the event: AUTOMATA kick-off agenda

The event can be followed in streaming by clicking on the following link:
