The ATRIUM Project offers an extensive Transnational Access (TNA) programme aimed at improving the skills of Arts and Humanities researchers, particularly (but not exclusively) those in the early stages of their careers. TNA is designed to support every student with their current research project, offering training and expert advice and support. A variety of topics are offered by organisations participating in the ATRIUM, both as individual placements and also as Summer Schools. Grants are available to eligible applicants to cover tuition fees, travel and subsistence costs.

ATRIUM Transnational Access for Arts & Humanities researchers

For 2025, the following opportunities are available:
The ATRIUM Summer School “Data Literacy with R for Students of Humanities” is run by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague. This intensive course will teach you to tidy your data as well as perform basic analysis with descriptive statistics and scientific visualisation techniques. It is a condensed version of a regular semestral course in R programming for humanities students who do not have any programming skills, boasting a non-competitive and highly supportive environment for scholars who get easily intimidated by computers. Your goal is to gain a critical level of skill to prepare your own (tabular) data for analysis.

The course runs for two weeks, from 4th to 15th August 2025.  Applicants are required to describe their current research project and how the course will help them achieve their research goals.
Further information about the course and how to apply can be found on the ATRIUM website Summer School page. The deadline for applications is the 28th February 2025.
The next round of Individual TNA placements, offered as a rolling programme, closes on the 31st May. There are ten organisations offer training on subjects such as digital methods and linguistics to specific technological topics such as HBIM and TEI & XML.
TNA is a fantastic opportunity for researchers to acquire new skills and turbo-charge their research, being fully funded by EU grants.