
Discover our Consortium

ECHOES covers 15 EU member states but also ensures a wider representativeness and inclusivity thanks to several institutions associated to pan-European networks and initiatives. These institutions are active in a wide range of topics as such as language as social and cultural data, art, archaeology, museums, archives, libraries, monuments and sites, conservation-restoration, cultural management, media culture, digital cultural heritage, intangible heritage and more. In this way, all CH sectors are represented in ECHOES. Moreover, several universities, research institutions and companies operating at different scales with complementary skills have been selected to manage the building of the ECCH platform.

Beneficiaries (BEN)
Affiliated Entity (AE)
Associated Partners (AP)
CNRS logo


The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) is a public-funded institution that covers all scientific disciplines, from the humanities and social sciences to biological sciences. The organization plays a key role worldwide through partnership agreements with more than 76 countries and is the world’s first producer of scientific research papers. It is also involved in the development and operation of large-scale research facilities, including supercomputers and very large databases.

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AE – Université de Tours is in the Châteaux de la Loire region, 230km from Paris. All the major fields are represented at this multi-disciplinary university, including the arts and culture, law, economics, management, literature, languages, human and social sciences, archaeology, life sciences, health sciences, science and technology. Its research laboratories are associated with several national research institutions, including the CNRS. It is part of the European university NEOLAIA.

Logo CY Cergy Paris Universite

AE – Based in Cergy, 45 minutes away by train from Paris, CY Cergy Paris University (CYU) is since 2020 a multidisciplinary establishment of higher education gathering 25.000 students and over 1700 members of staff. CYU has been a laureate of the highly competitive and prestigious French national programme “Initiative of Excellence” and has a long experience in conceiving and working on regional, national and European projects.
CYU participates with two research laboratories (ETIS ( and SATIE ( in the ECHOES project, and its participation is led by Professor Dimitris Kotzinos.

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BEN – The National Research Council (CNR) is Italy’s largest national research organization promoting innovation, scientific, technological, and cultural development. CNR contributes to ECHOES via the Institutes of Information Science and Technologies “Alessandro Faedo” (ISTI), Heritage Science (ISPC), Computational Linguistics “Antonio Zampolli” (ILC), and Condensed Matter Chemistry and Energy Technologies (ICMATE). CNR coordinates the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS).

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AE – The Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) is a cutting-edge research institute with a network of facilities across Italy. The Center for Cultural Heritage Technology (CCHT) operates within IIT and promotes technological developments for the analysis, conservation, and protection of cultural heritage. The Center’s activities include applied research and development as well as collaboration with law enforcement for the implementation of new tools for investigating cultural goods trafficking.

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AE – The Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia (CRS4) is a leading interdisciplinary Italian research center focusing on computational science and information technology. CRS4 contributes to ECHOES through the Visual and Data-intensive Computing group, dedicated to the research and development of innovative solutions for the acquisition, creation, processing, distribution and exploration of complex and/or massive datasets and environments.

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BEN – A French partnership foundation, the Heritage Science Foundation (Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine) deploys its actions around three axes: an intimate knowledge of legacy and heritage, the development of new axes of conversation and restoration, and improving the methods by which knowledge is disseminated in the field of heritage. As an innovative institution, it places the center of its operation in the dialogues between academic researchers and heritage professionals.

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AE – The Institut national du patrimoine, a higher education establishment of the Ministry of Culture, is responsible for the competitive recruitment and initial training of heritage curators for the French State, local authorities and the City of Paris. It is also in charge of selecting, also by competitive examination, and training conservator-restorers qualified to work on public collections.

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BEN – The Europeana Foundation is an independent, non-profit organisation that, as part of the Europeana Initiative, stewards the common European data space for cultural heritage in collaboration with a consortium of 18 partners and contributes to other digital initiatives that put cultural heritage to good use in the world. We make it easier for people to use cultural heritage for education, research, creation and recreation. Our work contributes to an open, knowledgeable and creative society.

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AE – The Europeana Network Association is a strong and democratic community of over 3,800 experts from 95 countries active in the fields of cultural heritage, tech, education, research and the creative industries. Alongside the Europeana Foundation and the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum, we form the Europeana Initiative. The Europeana Initiative is currently deploying the common European data space for cultural heritage.


BEN – Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) is an ICT R&D center offering world-class e-Infrastructure for the scientific community. It supports “proof of concept” projects, prototyping, and large-scale pilots in DIGITAL SCIENCE, and focuses on ICT-based innovations in DIGITAL INDUSTRY. PSNC also promotes SOCIAL INNOVATION to spread technological awareness and combat digital exclusion. PSNC collaborates with research institutions and industry partners to develop competitive innovations.


BEN – FORTH is one of the largest research centers in Greece with well-organized facilities and highly qualified personnel. It conducts specialized scientific research in strategic high-added value sectors, focusing on interdisciplinary research and development activities in areas of major scientific, societal and economic interest. FORTH comprises ten Research Institutes and participates in ECHOES with the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) and the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL)

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BEN – The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft based in Germany is the world’s leading applied research organization. Prioritizing key future-relevant technologies and commercializing its findings in business and industry, it plays a major role in the innovation process. The Fraunhofer institutes IGD and IOSB have in-depth experience in the field of digitization of cultural heritage and semantic information management.

Logo Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage

BEN – The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) is a Belgian federal scientific institution. With a multifaceted range of expertise and advanced technology, the staff members work together to understand heritage in all its aspects and to keep in optimal condition through preventive conservation and conservation-restoration treatments. In addition, the Institute provides for broad knowledge sharing about art and heritage and the technology of research and conservation-restoration.

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BEN – The Cyprus Institute is a non-profit research and educational institution of international composition, governed by a Board of Trustees comprising world-renown scientists and prominent political and entrepreneurial Leaders. The Institute is characterised by a novel philosophy on interdisciplinary research and education, and cutting-edge infrastructure to materialize it, which support a scientific, technological and innovative orientation aiming at world-class standards of excellence.

logo The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

BEN – The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution of research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, sciences and technology, and one of the leading technical universities in Europe. UPC currently has more than 150 research groups, 10 research institutes, and 23 research centers which actively participate in many international research networks.

University of Helsinky

BEN – The team at the University of Helsinki provides expertise on semantic computing and digital humanities. In particular, the team has experience on developing the Finnish Linked Open Data infrastructure, as part of the FIN-CLARIAH initiative and SAMPO model and series of systems for harmonizing and integrating data, disseminated via a faceted search interface with integrated data analysis and visualization tools.


BEN – As a major scientific institution, the Austrian National Library preserves Austria’s cultural heritage, offers public services, and hosts exhibitions and digital resources, making it a key center for research and culture and its unique items, including rare books, manuscripts, maps, and images among others. The digital library aims to open the library’s archives and collections for computer assisted research and to make research tools available to the public.


BEN – Media Solution Center (MSC) is a hub fostering innovation and collaboration in the media sector. Its member, Hochschule der Medien (HdM), excels in media and cultural creative industries. HdM offers cutting-edge research and education in media technology, production, and management. Its expertise spans digital media, interactive design, and content creation, driving advancements and nurturing talent to meet industry demands. HdM’s contributions significantly bolster the region’s media landscape.


BEN – The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV) is a media institute with an extensive expertise in executing research & innovation activities at the intersection of media, culture, technology and society. It operates an audiovisual archive, a media museum, research infrastructures and lab environments. The team has over 20 years of experience in the European R&D ecosystem and has developed key competences to engage with digitisation processes through a critical lens, always prioritising public values and ethical considerations.

Ariadne plus Logo Research Infrastructure AISBL

BEN – The ARIADNE Research Infrastructure AISBL (ARIADNE RI) was founded on 28th November 2022. It is a not-for-the-profit association, established according to Belgian law, but capable of operating at an international level. Its primary aim is to continue the work of ARIADNEplus (2018-22) and the previous ARIADNE Integrating Activity (2012-16). By the end of 2022 these projects had established a Linked Open Data triple store, also searchable via an Open Access data catalogue (the ARIADNE portal), and providing access to over 3.5m rich data resources. These encompass the archaeology and heritage of 4 continents and over 40 countries, and range from the archaeology of the earliest hominids to the present day.

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AE – PIN is a research agency, a consortium created by the University of Florence with other public bodies and industrial associations to support the implementation of advanced research projects. Research activity is organized in laboratories, the one in charge of Cultural Heritage applications being VAST-LAB. It aims to support scientific research centered on knowledge, valorization and preservation of Cultural Heritage, and to improve understanding of its value by encouraging dissemination to the general public. VAST-LAB’s research focuses mainly on the creation and dissemination of international standards for dataset digitisation and accessible database design, as well as on the development of technological platforms that guarantee interoperability between different archives and the stakeholders involved in their management.

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AE – PRISMA was established in February 2014 to promote communication, research and the enhancement of culture as a usable and accessible asset. Composed of a group of researchers who have collaborated on numerous European projects in the field of Cultural Heritage and new technologies, PRISMA uses the experience of its team to design and create quality products. Our services are aimed both at institutions and museums that need to bring new audiences together, and at individuals and companies who wish to communicate themselves and their products in an innovative way. In 2022 the Cultural Association was joined by PRISMA CULTURA Srl in order to offer integration and development services.

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BEN – The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) was founded in 1992 as an independent network of national museum organisations representing the museum community of the Council of Europe member states. Together, NEMO’s members speak for thousands of museums. NEMO connects European museums and their national organisations, promotes European policies that help museums to fulfil their role as keepers of cultural heritage, and supports museums in their aim to learn through networking and cooperation.

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BEN – European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers’ Organisation E.C.C.O. embodies the field of preservation of cultural heritage, both movable and immovable. E.C.C.O. has established principles and fought for regulation to control access to the profession of the Conservator-Restorer, by articulating professional standards and publishing guidelines for education and practice.

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BEN – The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of the world’s cultural heritage. With over 11,000 members, 110+ National Committees, 31 International Scientific Committees, and several Working Groups, ICOMOS offers a solid framework for sustainable heritage conservation. As an official Advisory Body to the World Heritage Committee, ICOMOS evaluates nominations and advises on the conservation of World Heritage properties.


BEN – ENCATC is the leading European Network on cultural management and policy. It is a membership NGO gathering over 100 higher education institutions and arts and cultural organisations in over 40 countries. ENCATC represents, advocates, and promotes cultural management and cultural policy education, professionalizes the cultural sector to make it sustainable, and creates a platform for discussion and exchange at European and international level. For more than 30 years, the organization has developed a wide offer of activities, products, publications, projects, mobility schemes, and more to the benefit of the field. ENCATC holds the status of an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO, of observer to the Steering Committee for Culture of the Council of Europe and is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

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AE – The University of Antwerp aims to have a meaningful impact on the development, dissemination, and application of scientific knowledge through free and innovative research, student-centered academic education, and targeted service to society. By doing so, the university seeks to contribute to a sustainable world and a democratic, inclusive society based on human rights. Its core tasks include academic education, creative and innovative scientific research, societal engagement, and the valorization of knowledge with sustainable solutions. The guiding principles include excellence, academic freedom, students as co-creative partners, international orientation, diversity and inclusivity, active pluralism, and the promotion of collaboration and interdisciplinarity.

Logo Universitat de Barcelona.

AE – Universitat de Barcelona is a public research university established in 1450. With 76,000 students, it is one of the biggest universities in Spain and has also been ranked 1st in most research rankings. It has 106 departments and more than 5,000 full-time researchers, technicians and research assistants. The Cultural Management Program, born in 1989, is one of the most established and well-known of the continent providing education and training, supporting professional networks and interdisciplinary research in the fields of cultural economics, cultural management and cultural policy.

Logo Archives Portal Europe

BEN – ARCHIVES PORTAL EUROPE is the largest online archival repository in the world. It aggregates archival material produced from and on Europe. Through a simple keyword search, it allows users to scrape archival catalogues scattered 30+ countries, without having to separately search in single national-level (or institution-level) websites, nor travelling. APE also allows archival collections and archivists to connect in unprecedented ways, working altogether to the expansion of the platform.


BEN – The Portuguese National Commission of the International Council of Museums, ICOM Portugal, has been working since 1975 to cooperate with museum institutions “to strive for the development of Museums as instruments of education and culture, at the service of the community”.
With special attention to museum professionals, it constantly promotes scholarships, training courses, events dedicated to the area, research projects and the publication of an international seasonal Bulletin.

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BEN –  The EGI Foundation federates hundreds of data centres worldwide under the umbrella of the EGI Federation to facilitate access to distributed research data and compute facilities. It coordinates the research and innovation efforts of its members, spanning technical areas critical to data-intensive science, such as large-scale data processing and analysis, distributed AI/ML, federated identity and access management, and the application of digital twins for research.

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AE – GRNET S.A. – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology provides networking, cloud computing, HPC, data management services and e-Infrastructures and services to academic and research institutions, to educational bodies at all levels, and to all agencies of the public sector.


BEN – The Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) aims to enhance and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities. DARIAH is a network of people, expertise, information, knowledge, content, methods, tools and technologies from its member countries. It develops, maintains and operates an infrastructure in support of ICT-based research practices and sustains researchers in using them to build, analyse and interpret digital resources.


AE – The Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) is Austria’s largest non-university research and science institution. Its statutory mission is to “promote science in every way”. The members of the Academy engage in interdisciplinary exchange to consider important questions concerning the future, advise on policy and society and inform the general public of important scientific insights. They also form commissions in which they examine questions of great relevance to science and society. The OeAW operates 26 research institutes in the field of innovative basic research in the arts and humanities and the social and natural sciences. The Academy stimulates pioneering research by taking up future-oriented topics and ensuring the preservation and interpretation of cultural heritage.

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AE – Estab­lished as a non-profit or­ga­niza­tion in 2008, the Bel­grade Cen­ter for Dig­i­tal Hu­man­i­ties (BCDH) is a lead­ing Ser­bian re­search and in­no­va­tion hub ex­plor­ing the use of com­pu­ta­tion­al methods in the study of tra­di­tion­al hu­mani­tis­tic dis­ci­plines. BCDH forges an in­fra­struc­tur­al ap­proach to hu­man­i­ties com­put­ing and provides a wide range of services with the goal of mak­ing his­tor­i­cal, lit­er­ary and cul­tur­al her­itage as well as con­tem­po­rary artis­tic pro­duc­tion ac­cessible, reusable, and open to cre­ative com­pu­ta­tion­al in­ter­ven­tions.

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AE – Athena RC was founded in 2003 in order to consolidate and further expand the Greek Research & Development activities and initiatives in the area of ICT. The fundamental role of Athena RC is to build knowledge and devise solutions and technologies for the digital society. Its value lies in the unique collection of skills and know-how of its researchers and professional staff and its national and international reputation.


BEN – CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) is a research infrastructure which provides easy and sustainable access to a broad range of digital language data and tools to support research in the humanities and social sciences, and beyond. CLARIN is a distributed digital infrastructure, with participating centres all over Europe and further afield, which include universities, research centres, libraries and public archives.

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BEN – ETT, an international digital and creative industry. The company is a general contractor for turnkey experiential communications installations and complex information systems. From its Genoa headquarters and main branches in Rome, Milan, Turin and London,
ETT is a market leader in concept creation and the management of Italian digital cultural heritage, the design of information systems for Smart Governance job markets, and integrated Smart City systems connecting cities, locations and people.

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AE – GruppoMeta, part of ETT Group, leads in technology and innovation in the Italian and European cultural sectors. As a key partner in CH projects, it collaborates with the Italian Ministry of Culture’s central institutes and the Central Institute for Digitalization of Cultural Heritage. Known for creating metaFAD, the advanced cataloging infrastructure supporting IPAC, it partners with prominent museums and libraries, including the Uffizi and the National Libraries of Rome and Naples.

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AE – Talia is a spin-off company of CNR ILC (‘A. Zampolli’ Institute of Computational Linguistics) and GruppoMeta. It develops and delivers tools for text processing and knowledge extraction based on Automatic Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence
techniques. It offers specialised solutions and services in morphological analysis, syntactic analysis, name entity recognition, meaningful knowledge extraction, classification, clustering, ontology learning, ontology population and sentiment analysis.


BEN – Sparna is a consulting company specialized on knowledge organisation, information access, semantic technologies and open data.
We specialize in ontologies, knowledge graph technologies, and knowledge organization systems such as thesauri.
We work for cultural heritage organizations such archival institutions, libraries or museums, often leveraging the CIDOC-CRM ontology. We also work for large international organizations such as the European Parliament, UNESCO or the ISSN international center.


AP – CRUSOE – Conference of Rectors of Southwestern European Universities is a non-profit and international association, constituted by the Universities of Galicia, Castilla-León, Asturias, Cantabria, Northern & Central Region of Portugal. 29 universities, more than 150 national reference research groups in Spain and Portugal, and almost 240,000 students in more than 40 campuses (4 of them as international excellence). CRUSOE promotes new projects in the macro-regional space of Southwestern Europe.

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AP – Time Machine Organisation (TMO) is an internationally oriented non-profit association under Austrian law, headquartered in Vienna. It is the leading Europe-based organisation for cooperation in technology, science and cultural heritage, aiming to jointly bring the vision of a “Time Machine” for Europe to life. Time Machine aims to develop the Big Data of the Past, creating a huge distributed digital information system mapping the European social, cultural and geographical evolution across times.

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AP – University College Dublin (UCD) is one of Europe’s leading research-intensive universities. With over 38,000 students from 152 countries, it is Ireland’s largest university and is currently ranked within the top 1% of higher education institutions worldwide. UCD embraces its role in contributing to the flourishing of Ireland through the study of people, society, business, the economy, culture, languages, and the creative arts, as well as through research and innovation. The School of Computer Science at UCD is the largest computer science department in Ireland, with expertise in a range of areas, including AI and cultural analytics.


AP – LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries) is the voice of Europe’s research library community.
LIBER is Europe’s principal association of research libraries, consisting of around 420 national, university and other libraries from more than forty countries.

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AP – The National Archives of Hungary (NAH) is the nation’s record keeper, preserving historic documents and aiding research. It holds 300 km of records, 66 million microfilm slides, and 15 million digital files, including 108,000 medieval charters. NAH serves 2,200 researchers annually and has a staff of 660 across 70 locations. It uses technology to preserve and provide access to records. NAH collects records from various national bodies, offers archival consultation, maintains a research library, and is active in international cooperation to maximize new technology for academic access to cultural heritage.

logo Swedish National Heritage Board

AP – Swedish National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet) Central administrative agency for cultural heritage and historic environment. Responsible for regulations and guidelines for the preservation and development of ancient and historical sites and buildings, for which the agency maintains national data records and archives. It supports museums and matters concerning preservation of cultural artefacts, and maintains a national aggregator for cultural heritage data from collections and archives.

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AP – Michael Culture Association (MCA) is a non-profit organisation AISBL, created in 2007 under Belgian law. It is a trans-sectoral and trans-domain European network, focusing on the preservation, promotion and valorization of heritage and digital cultural contents, and its communities.
MCA gathers more than 200 members and experts from private and public cultural institutions, such as museums, libraries, archives, research centres and Ministries of culture, from EU and beyond.

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AP – The National Gallery, London is home to one of the greatest collections of paintings in the world. Our objectives are to care for the collection, to enhance it for future generations, and to study it.

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AP – The University of York has been a partner in over 180 EU projects including 14 ERC research grants, 35 Marie-Curie Fellowships, 17 ITNs and 7 Infra projects. The Department of Archaeology is one of the top archaeology departments in the UK, ranking 4th overall in the 2014 REF, and 2nd for its research impact. Since 1996 the Department has hosted the Archaeology Data Service (ADS), the world- leading digital data archive for archaeology. The core objective of the ADS is to support research, learning and teaching with high quality and dependable digital resources. It does this by preserving digital data in the long term, and by promoting and disseminating a broad range of data in archaeology.

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