Siena landscape

The ECHOES session, Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage at the Digital Heritage International Congress 2025, is calling for papers. The Congress will take place from 8th-13th September at the San Niccolò Palace,  Siena, Italy.

The session is about the future of CH research, conservation, preservation, and valorisation, as set by the EU Commission’s vision for creating a collaborative cloud for Cultural Heritage. The initiative focuses on heritage digital twins, treated as digital commons, ensuring their digital continuum within an innovative digital ecosystem. This is achieved through the development of a cloud-based infrastructure populated with tools, services, and applications. The EU-funded project ECHOES organises the session to push for a paradigm shift in the CH domain, transforming it into an open, data-driven, and collaborative discipline.

One of the key objectives is to enhance the competitiveness of EU professionals and research networks within the international landscape. It aims to bring together professionals from the broad spectrum of CH to discuss challenges in creating an open, sustainable, and interoperable digital ecosystem.

Topics may include, but are not limited to: data governance, semantic technologies, cloud infrastructure and collaborative tools, artificial intelligence, collaborative workflows, knowledge graphs, and cross-sectoral engagement strategies for building a collaborative digital ecosystem.

The session welcomes contributions from all interested participants, both within and beyond the ECHOES project. Submissions can address theoretical, applicational, or conceptual aspects related to the session’s topics, including examples and case studies.

More information about the Call for Papers on the DH 2025 website.

Deadline for abstracts (400 words): Friday 15th March.