Preserving the Past, Shaping the Future: your Gateway to a Collaborative and Innovative European Cultural Heritage Community
The Cultural Heritage Cloud (ECCCH) is a shared platform designed to provide heritage professionals and researchers with access to data, scientific resources, training, and advanced digital tools tailored to suit their needs. This platform is developed by ECHOES (European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science), a project funded by the European Commission and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) that brings together fragmented communities of the Cultural Heritage field into a new community around the Digital Commons.
ECHOES will create a digital environment that enables the digitisation of existing knowledge and the collaborative analysis of cultural heritage assets, facts, and phenomena. In this context, actors – whether humans or Artificial Intelligence – can develop their interpretations, thereby enriching the knowledge of cultural heritage and their surroundings. The digital environment proposed by ECHOES will empower users to interact with, manipulate and enrich Digital Twins, fostering the creation of new, collaboratively developed scientific knowledge.
The ECCCH built by ECHOES is anchored in the principles of Open Science, which promotes inclusion and democratises access to knowledge and digital assets for all. This digital ecosystem will allow the creation of a new generation of heritage objects, the Digital Commons, which are semantically rich and collectively produced. Upon completion, ECHOES will provide a unified platform to integrate the outcomes of EU and national projects related to Cultural Heritage.
News & Events
Registration open for Cultural Heritage Cloud Launch
ECHOES Announces High-Level Policy Event and Workshop to Launch the Cultural Heritage Cloud The ECHOES [...]
ECHOES Launch: Videos available on Canal-U
The videos of the ECHOES Launch Event are available, with subtitles, on Canal-U. The main [...]
ECHOES Help and FAQs
The ECHOES page Help/FAQs has been expanded to cover a number of topics relating to [...]
Save the date! ECHOES Policy Event and Workshop
Save the date for the the ECHOES policy event and workshop: 12th December Policy Event: [...]
Public consultation on researchers access to data under the DSA launched
The Commission has launched a public consultation on the draft delegated act on access to [...]
AUTOMATA Kicks off on the 22nd October
One of the first European Content Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) projects working with [...]